Hi, Today i wanna show you how to Displaying Text With An Image Within HTML Code...;
If you're trying to place text directly beside an image within your web page HTML code, you may have discovered it's not as easy as it appears. When you place your image HTML code and text within your HTML code, instead of the text and image displaying side by side like a newspaper, it will display like this:
To enable your image and text to display properly together, you will need to add an ALIGN attribute to your image HTML code.
Following is an example image displaying on the left with the text wrapping around the image to the right.
To align your image to left and your text to the right, add ALIGN="left" to your image HTML code like this:
<img border="0" align="left" src="image.jpg"> Hai Frnds,How are You
Following is an example image displaying on the right with the text wrapping around the image to the left.
To align your image to right and your text to the left, add ALIGN="right" to your image HTML code like this:
<img border="0" align="Right" src="image.jpg"> Hai Frnds,How are you
Wrapping your text around your image will enable you to give your content a much more professional look.
Try It...,
Have a nice-day...;