10 Awesome Google Search Tricks.....

You may be spending hours in searching with Google.So learn some Google search hacks to get effective search results.

1. Identify Local  Time  for Any City  in the World using Google
    If you want to know current local time in a particular city, use the following method. To see the current           local TIME in INDIA do the following.

   time india

2. Search  for Keywords with Similar Meaning using   Google
    Instead of searching for only the given word, using ~ before the keyword you can instruct Google to             search for webpages with the exact given word or the words which has same meaning. In the following         example, giving ~tutorial also searches for keywords guide, manual, reference etc.

    Linux Installation ~tutorial

3. Match Any Single Word  in the Search Using *,While searching, if you are not sure about which               keyword to be placed in the phrase, you can match any single word using *.

    For example, if you want to search for examples of Jedit editor substitution, and you are not sure whether     to search for “Jedit editor find and replace examples”, or “Jedit editor search and replace examples”, then     use * , which will match either find, search or any other word, as shown below.

   Jedit editor * and replace examples

4. Use OR  in Google Search
    Using OR operator in between the words makes the following kind of search possible in Google.                 Following example will search for Cuda examples or Cuda programs.

    Cuda examples OR programs

Note: The keyword OR should be in uppercase

5. Identify Definition a Word. To view the definition of a word use the following method.

   define: Operating System

6. Mathematical  Calculations using Google,Normally for doing the metric conversions we will be using some    online conversion websites or conversion softwares.You can use the Google search box as your scientific      calculator as   

7. Unit Conversion using Google, The following will show the equivalent pounds for one kg.

    kg  in pound

8. Money Conversion using Google, Following converts US Dollars in Rupees.
    USD  in INR

9. Translate Using Google, Use Google to translate whatever word you wish to see in other language.

     translate hello  into French

10. Identify Local Weather  for Any City  i n the World using Google, To see the current weather in Berlin          do the following.

     weather Berlin

Enjoy With Google Tricks
