Add Your Name (or) Application to right click Of My Computer

Add Your Name (or) Application to right click Of My Computer


As it   is related to Windows registry it   can be dangerous. So, Try this at  your own risk.

To write your name on right click application

Please follow the steps

1. Copy/ Paste the following code in Notepad And then Save it as  .reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor]

@="Your name or Name of the Application"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command]

@="Location of   the Application"

2. Now edit it and then Type your name In

Eample :

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor]


3.   If you want to get any application, once you click your name or name
Of   application

Then, type the location Of the application Which you want to open In :

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command]

@="Location of   the Application"

For  example : 

C:\Program  Files\Yahoo! \Messenger\messenger.exe
That's it finally save it And then Run it

To  add Application Control Panel

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSI D\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\ControlPanel\command]
@="rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL"

To  add Application add/remove

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Add/Remove\command]
@="control appwiz.cpl"

To  add Application Reboot

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \CLSI D\ {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\ shell\ [Reboot ] \ command]
@="shutdown -r -f -t 5"

To  add Application Shutdown

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\ shell\[ Shutdown]\command]
@="shutdown -s -f -t 5"

Keyboard Shortcuts List for Windows 7 and Windows Vista

If you spend as much time in front of a computer as I do, learning a shortcut which can save a few seconds off a common task can be significant. Throw in the fact that I’m also a bit lazy… and it should explain why I’m always looking around for new Keyboard Shortcuts. The majority of Windows 

7 keyboard shortcuts remain the same from Windows Vista and XP (thank you for that Microsoft), so many of the shortcuts I’ve compiled in this post should look familiar. If you have a favorite I’ve missed or you find a new one however, please be sure to tell me about it in the comments so I can add it to the list! 

Windows 7 and Windows Vista Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows logo key:: Open or close the Start menu 

Windows logo key + Left Arrow Key:: Snap current window to left side of screen for side-by-side viewing 

Windows logo key + Right Arrow Key:: Snap current window to left side of screen for side-by-side viewing 

Windows logo key + Left Arrow 2x:: Snap current window left across multiple monitors for side-by-side viewing 

Windows logo key + PAUSE:: Display the System Properties dialog box 

Windows logo key + D:: Display the desktop 

Windows logo key + M:: Minimize all windows 

Windows logo key + SHIFT+M:: Restore minimized windows to the desktop 

Windows logo key + E:: Open Computer 

Windows logo key + F:: Search for a file or folder 

CTRL+Windows logo key + F:: Search for computers (if you are on a network) 

Windows logo key + L:: Lock your computer or switch users 

Windows logo key + R:: Open the Run dialog box 

Windows logo key + T:: Cycle through programs on the taskbar 

Windows logo key + TAB:: Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D 

CTRL+Windows logo key + TAB:: Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar 
by using Windows Flip 3-D 

Windows logo key + SPACEBAR:: Bring all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar 

Windows logo key + G:: Cycle through Sidebar gadgets 

Windows logo key + U:: Open Ease of Access Center 

Windows logo key + X:: Open Windows Mobility Center 

Windows logo key + Any number key:: Open the Quick Launch shortcut that is in the position that 
corresponds to the number. For example, Windows logo key + 1 :: Launch the first shortcut in the 
Quick Launch menu. 

Windows Key + S:: OneNote Screen Clipping Tool (Requires OneNote) 

Windows Key + =:: Open Magnifier Tool 

General Keyboard Shortcuts

F1:: Display Help 
F2:: Rename the selected item 
F3:: Search for a file or folder 
F4:: Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer 
F5– Refresh the active window 
F6:: Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop 
F7:: Check Spelling in open document 
F10:: Activate the menu bar in the active program 
CTRL+A:: Select all items in a document or window 
CTRL+C:: Copy the selected item 
CTRL+X:: Cut the selected item 
CTRL+V:: Paste the selected item 
CTRL+Z:: Undo an action 
CTRL+Y:: Redo an action 
SHIFT+DELETE:: Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first (Outlook Tip 
SHIFT+F10:: Display the shortcut menu for the selected item 
Hold SHIFT when you insert a CD:: Prevent the CD from automatically playing 
CTRL+ESC:: Open the Start menu 
CTRL+SHIFT with an arrow key:: Select a block of text 
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC:: Open Task Manager 
CTRL+F4:: Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open 
CTRL+ALT+TAB:: Use the arrow keys to switch between open items 
CTRL+Mouse scroll wheel:: Change the size of icons on the desktop 
ALT+ESC:: Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened 
ALT+ENTER:: Display properties for the selected item 
ALT+F4:: Close the active item, or exit the active program 
ALT+SPACEBAR:: Open the shortcut menu for the active window 
ALT+UP ARROW:: View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer 
ALT+TAB:: Switch between open items 
ALT+SHIFT+TAB:: Switch between open items in reverse order 
Windows logo key + TAB:: Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D 
CTRL+Windows logo key + TAB:: Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar 
by using Windows Flip 3-D 
ESC:: Cancel the current task 
Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL+click:: Open links in a new tab in the background 
CTRL+SHIFT+click:: Open links in a new tab in the foreground 
CTRL+T:: Open a new tab in the foreground 
CTRL+TABor CTRL+SHIFT+TAB:: Switch between tabs 
CTRL+W:: Close current tab (or the current window if tabbed browsing is disabled) 
ALT+ENTER:: Open a new tab in the foreground from the Address bar 
CTRL+n{where n is a number between 1 and 8}Switch to a specific tab number 
CTRL+9:: Switch to the last tab 
CTRL+ALT+F4:: Close other tabs 
CTRL+Q:: Toggle Quick Tabs (thumbnail view) on or off 
ALT+M:: Open the Home menu 
ALT+R:: Open the Print menu 
ALT+J:: Open the RSS menu 
ALT+O:: Open the Tools menu 
ALT+L:: Open the Help menu 
F1:: Display Help 
F11:: Toggle between full-screen and regular views of the browser window 
TAB:: Move forward through the items on a webpage, the Address bar, or the Links bar 
SHIFT+TAB:: Move back through the items on a webpage, the Address bar, or the Links bar 
ALT+HOME:: Go to your home page 
ALT+RIGHT ARROW:: Go to the next page 
ALT+LEFT ARROWor BACKSPACE:: Go to the previous page 
SHIFT+F10:: Display a shortcut menu for a link 
CTRL+TABor F6:: Move forward through frames and browser elements (only works if tabbed 
browsing is disabled) 
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB:: Move backward between frames (only works if tabbed browsing is disabled) 
CTRL+F:: Find on this page 
F5:: Refresh the current webpage 
CTRL+F5:: Refresh the current webpage, even if the time stamp for the web version and your 
locally stored version are the same 
ESC:: Stop downloading a page 
CTRL+O:: Open a new website or page 
CTRL+N:: Open a new window 
CTRL+W:: Close the current window (if you only have one tab open) 
CTRL+S:: Save the current page 
CTRL+P:: Print the current page or active frame 
CTRL+I:: Open Favorites 
CTRL+H:: Open History 
CTRL+J:: Open Feeds 
ALT+P:: Open the Page menu 
ALT+T:: Open the Tools menu 
ALT+H:: Open the Help menu 
Dialog box keyboard shortcuts
CTRL+TAB:: Move forward through tabs 
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB:: Move back through tabs 
TAB:: Move forward through options 
SHIFT+TAB:: Move back through options 
ALT+underlined letter:: Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter 
ENTER:: Replaces clicking the mouse for many selected commands 
SPACEBAR:: Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box 
Arrow keys:: Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons 
F1:: Display Help 
F4:: Display the items in the active list 
BACKSPACE:: Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box 
Windows Sidebar keyboard shortcuts
Windows logo key + SPACEBAR:: Bring all gadgets to the front and select Sidebar 
Windows logo key +G:: Cycle through Sidebar gadgets 
TAB:: Cycle through Sidebar controls 
Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
END:: Display the bottom of the active window 
HOME:: Display the top of the active window 
F11:: Maximize or minimize the active window 
CTRL+N:: Open a new window 
CTRL+Mouse scroll wheel:: Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons 
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK (*) on numeric keypad:: Display all subfolders under the selected folder 
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN (+) on numeric keypad:: Display the contents of the selected folder 
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN (-) on numeric keypad:: Collapse the selected folder 
LEFT ARROW:: Collapse the current selection (if it is expanded), or select the parent folder 
ALT+D:: Select the Address bar 
ALT+LEFT ARROW:: View the previous folder 
ALT+RIGHT ARROW:: View the next folder 
RIGHT ARROW:: Display the current selection (if it is collapsed), or select the first subfolder 
Keyboard Shortcuts you will never use!
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN(or PRTSCRN) :: Turn High Contrast on or off 
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK:: Turn Mouse Keys on or off 
SHIFT five times:: Turn Sticky Keys on or off 
Hold NUM LOCK for five seconds:: Turn Toggle Keys on or off 
Windows logo key +U:: Open the Ease of Access Center 
SHIFT with any arrow key:: Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select 
text within a document 
CTRL with any arrow key+SPACEBAR:: Select multiple individual items in a window or on the 
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW:: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word 
CTRL+LEFT ARROW:: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word 
CTRL+DOWN ARROW:: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph 
CTRL+UP ARROW:: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Some Tips And Tricks in Windows

Some Tips And Tricks in Windows


=>Click on a FOLDER
=>Right click and goto rename option
=>Delete the old name
=>Pressing ALT key type 0160
=>Now press enter
=>You have created a folder without name


=>Control Panel
=>Regional & Language Options
=>AM Symbol
=>Enter your name

Thats it,your name is added to your Task Bar

=>Open notepad and type
=>save as autorun.inf on the desktop

Write ur CD with the autorun file, ur desired icon for the CD & the setup file.
iconname.ico is the name of the icon file which is desired for ur CD. =>Setup.exe is the name of the
setup which u want to make it autorun.


Follow these simple steps

1)=>Go to Start
2)=>Type Regedit
3)Go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title
4)Enter what you want appear in the title bar
That’s it YOUR NAME will be displayed.

=>To clean ur RAM without software
=>Open notepad & type FREEMEM=SPACE(64000000)
=>Save it as ram.vbs and close it
=>Now run the script by double click on ti
=>now your pc work fast

Disable autoplay of pendrive to avoid virus activation:
go to run

=>Type gpedit.msc
=>Computer configuration
=>Administrative Templates
(In the Right side)
=>Go to Turn off Autoplay
=>All drives
=>Load XP cd into cd drive
=>Go to Run
=>Type sfc/scannowok
=>THEN copy and paste the lost file from cd


A hidden trick to convert your text to voice without any software.

=>Try out this go to Run type
=>control speech
=>write any text & speech it


=>Here is a simple trick to operate COMPUTER without MOUSE
PRESS the left
Now you can use your number keys to act as mouse
Note:It will not disable your mouse
To return back to previous state again press these combination keys together.

=>Press ctrl+alt+del
=>open task Manager
=>click the shutdown Tab.
=>While holding ctrl key,
=>Press TURN OFF.
with this simple trick you can shut down your pc 100 times faster.

10 Awesome Google Search Tricks.....

You may be spending hours in searching with Google.So learn some Google search hacks to get effective search results.

1. Identify Local  Time  for Any City  in the World using Google
    If you want to know current local time in a particular city, use the following method. To see the current           local TIME in INDIA do the following.

   time india

2. Search  for Keywords with Similar Meaning using   Google
    Instead of searching for only the given word, using ~ before the keyword you can instruct Google to             search for webpages with the exact given word or the words which has same meaning. In the following         example, giving ~tutorial also searches for keywords guide, manual, reference etc.

    Linux Installation ~tutorial

3. Match Any Single Word  in the Search Using *,While searching, if you are not sure about which               keyword to be placed in the phrase, you can match any single word using *.

    For example, if you want to search for examples of Jedit editor substitution, and you are not sure whether     to search for “Jedit editor find and replace examples”, or “Jedit editor search and replace examples”, then     use * , which will match either find, search or any other word, as shown below.

   Jedit editor * and replace examples

4. Use OR  in Google Search
    Using OR operator in between the words makes the following kind of search possible in Google.                 Following example will search for Cuda examples or Cuda programs.

    Cuda examples OR programs

Note: The keyword OR should be in uppercase

5. Identify Definition a Word. To view the definition of a word use the following method.

   define: Operating System

6. Mathematical  Calculations using Google,Normally for doing the metric conversions we will be using some    online conversion websites or conversion softwares.You can use the Google search box as your scientific      calculator as   

7. Unit Conversion using Google, The following will show the equivalent pounds for one kg.

    kg  in pound

8. Money Conversion using Google, Following converts US Dollars in Rupees.
    USD  in INR

9. Translate Using Google, Use Google to translate whatever word you wish to see in other language.

     translate hello  into French

10. Identify Local Weather  for Any City  i n the World using Google, To see the current weather in Berlin          do the following.

     weather Berlin

Enjoy With Google Tricks

How to Lock Your Computer Using Mouse

Alt+Ctrl+Del or Windows+L to lock our PCs.Instead of trying those windows keyboard shortcut keys to lock Pc, lets now tryout something new.
Some might have already know this trick already…

1. Just Right click on the desktop, point to New and click Shortcut.

2. In the Create Shortcut dialog box, copy the following into the ‘Type the location’ of the
    item text box:

rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation” remove quotes while typing.

3. Click Next.

4. In “Type a name for this shortcut”, type LOCK MY  PC and Click Finish

5. Now just double click on the icon, your desktop will be locked.

Though this is a age old trick.It makes some difference to newbies

Why Mark Zuckerberg’s Choose 4

Adding the Number 4 to the End of Facebook’s URL will Automatically Redirect you to Mark Zuckerberg’s Profile, Just in case you’re not familiar with the term “URL” – type in this web address:

We’re not sure why Zuckerberg chose the fourth ID number instead of number 1, but this is a quick and easy way to get to the original Facebook wall that is owned by its creator.

Adding the numbers 5 or 6 to the end of the URL will take you to the respective profiles of Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook co-founders and Mark’s former college roommates. Tacking a 7 onto the web address leads to the profile of Arie Hasit, another good friend of Zuckerberg from his days at Harvard.

Though this is a age old news.It makes some difference to newbies
Splitting the String TO Character Array using JAVA.........

Splitting the String TO Character Array using JAVA.........

Hi Friends this program will demonstrate the How to "Split String to Character Array".

Save the File

class SpiltStringTOCharArray
public static void main(String[] args)
String msg = "HELLO";
char a[]=msg.toCharArray();
                int i=0;
for( i=0;i<msg.length();i++)
           System.out.println("a["+i+"] value is : "+a[i] );


a[0] value is : H
a[1] value is : E
a[2] value is : L
a[3] value is : L

a[4] value is : O

I hope this LOGIC will help full to all........
Convert Binary TO String Using JAVA.........

Convert Binary TO String Using JAVA.........

Hi Friends This Program Will Demonstrate the Logic of Binary TO String Conversion....

Save The File

import java.math.BigInteger;
class BinarytoStr
public static void main(String[] args)
String z = "0100100001100101011011000110110001101111";
int len = z.length()/8;
String orgstring = "";
byte[] bval = new BigInteger(z, 2).toByteArray();
for(int t = 0;t<len;t++)
char c1 = (char)bval[t];
orgstring = orgstring.concat(String.valueOf(c1));
System.out.println("Original String : " + orgstring);


Original String : Hello

I hope this logic will helpful to all...........
Convert String to Binary AND Binary To String Using Java......

Convert String to Binary AND Binary To String Using Java......

Hi Friends this program will demonstrate the logic for "How To Convert Sting to Binary AND Binary To Original String

Save The file

class Binary
public static void main(String[] args)
String msg = "Hello";   //coverted String...

               //conversion of String To Binary.......

byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes();        //getting byte values
StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
int msgg = 0;

for (byte b : bytes)
int val = b;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
binary.append((val & 128) == 0 ? 0 : 1);

   val <<= 1;



System.out.println("'" + msg + "' to binary: " + binary);
               //Conversion of Binary to Original String..........

                String origmsg = "";

int count = binary.length()/8;
char a[]=msg.toCharArray();
                int i=0;
for( i=0;i<count;i++)
           origmsg = origmsg.concat(String.valueOf(a[i]));

System.out.println("original message : " + origmsg);


'Hello' to binary: 0100100001100101011011000110110001101111
original message : Hello

I hope this logic will helpful to all...........
String To Binary Conversion using java.....

String To Binary Conversion using java.....

Hi Friends, Here the logic for "String to Binary(8 bit)" conversion

Save the file

class Binary
public static void main(String[] args)
String msg = "Hello";           //coverted String...

byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes();             //getting byte values

StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();

int msgg = 0;

for (byte b : bytes)
int val = b;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
binary.append((val & 128) == 0 ? 0 : 1);

   val <<= 1;



System.out.println("'" + msg + "' to binary: " + binary);

I hope it is usefulll....